In Memory of





Memorial services will be 11:00 A.M. Saturday, March 18 at Christian Heritage Church with Pastor Craig Lawlis, officiating. In honor of Robyn's life, please wear vibrant colors to the memorial service. Robyn blessed both family and friends from the very day that she was born. Her smile so contagious, her laughter like a gentle breeze, her beautiful eyes radiating the love of life. No matter the situation or circumstance, Robyn made sure her little sisters, friends and classmates were, in all ways, cared for, loved and cherished. She carried her zest for life with intense dedication from early on as a pre-Olympian in gymnastics, riding motorcycles, snow and water skiing and anything that meant getting the most of each and every day. With the birth of her first child Magen, Robyn began to establish her family circle with adornments of love unequaled. Welcoming her son Martin and next daughter Jill with a bond of continual attention to the finer details of love, life and laughter, Robyn provided the nurturing and attention that only GREAT MOMS can give. Special times, special memories of the outdoors and shared moments will forever be in their hearts. Robyn carried her expertise of detail and dedication in her adult life as an assistant at White Sands in New Mexico, instructor at ACADA in Amarillo and finally a Corporate Contract Specialist. As the three children became young adults and grandkids began to blossom, Braeden then Benji then Ellie then Eden and finally Eli, her quiver was full and she was the best Gamma, ever. She took the time to sing that special bedtime song, read with excitement that special book, have cooking and cookie creations in the kitchen and the laughter and squeals of excitement constantly filling the air. Each child, each grandchild knew her love and the amazing specialness she alone could provide. Her manner, her class, her celebration of life so incredible to each of us, both family and friend. Robyn found the eternal loves of her life, her Heavenly Father God, her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, and her heart-felt dedication to excellence showed in her worship. Each day seeking the perfect Will of God, her gifts of love, listening and mending broken hearts and lives began to touch both individuals and the community. Robyn was graced and gifted by God with a peace, mercy and gentle love that instantly showed even a stranger what Heavenly Love was all about. Never too busy to listen, never too busy to touch a shoulder or sooth a tear falling, her rainbow of love did and will forever be remembered. Later in life Robyn met and married her soul-mate Michael. Together, from that first date in May 2008, they shared life, shared love and most of all their faith in Christ. Ministering in the community, churches, jails and prisons, they found great joy in loving others. Opening their hearts, their home, their very lives in loving the way that Jesus Christ loves us. As health issues continued to mount, even in the most severe days of suffering, Robyn was more concerned with others than herself. Even from the hospital bed her statements of, "Can I pray for you?", could be heard. The echoes of Robyn's beautiful voice praising her Lord, the songs will forever ring in our hearts. The way she loved, the way she shared was so full of grace, so full of heavenly beauty, she was a blessing beyond measure. Robyn's life glorified her Savior God and forever we will miss this angel, this incredibly beautiful woman. Robyn, I love you, immensely! We ALL love you!